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Top 10 Benefits

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Main features:
bulletNavigator Trace displays all Precedents and Dependents of a cell, allowing you to easily navigate through the related cells. Navigator Trace keeps track of where you have been as you audit your formulae allowing you to retrace your steps.
bulletPrecedents: Cells that are referred to by a formula in another cell. For example, if cell D10 contains the formula =B5, cell B5 is a precedent to cell D10.
bulletDependents: Cells that contain formulas that refer to other cells. For example, if cell D10 contains the formula =B5, cell D10 is a dependent of cell B5.
bulletYou can easily navigate backwards and forwards through the Trace history following the audit trail of where you have been. You can jump back to where you started or move through the history one step at a time.

bulletDouble-click displayed cells to move through precedents and dependents
bulletMove backwards or forwards through Trace history
bulletDisplay Precedent and dependent arrows
bulletEasily find errors in workbook formulae.


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